Matthew 5:1-2
1 Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them.
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus goes up a mountain seven times. Each time seems to inaugurate a different phase of his journey. And each may point to a phase of our own journey of discipleship. As I describe the seven mountains of Matthew, I wonder if you can find the mountain you are on might now…
1. The Mountain of Temptation (Matthew 4:8)
When Jesus is being tempted in the wilderness by the devil, he is taken to the highest mountain where he can see all the kingdoms of the world. Satan tells Jesus they can all be his if he will only bow and worship him. Many of us find ourselves on the Mountain of Temptation from time to time. We find ourselves looking down at what our lives could be if only we’d compromise. When we find ourselves on this mountain, we must remember that Jesus was tempted in every way and overcame. With his help, we too can overcome. It is on the Mountain of Temptation that we come to know Jesus as our example.
2. The Mountain of Blessing (Matthew 5:1)
This is the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus opens the Sermon by pronouncing a series of blessings on his new disciples and letting them know that they are beloved by God. Many of us find ourselves on the Mountain of Blessings, knowing that we are loved and that God has given us good things.It is in this time of comfort that we are called to cling to Jesus’ words and learn and grow as disciples so that we will be ready for what awaits us in the valley. On the Mountain of Blessings, we encounter Jesus as teacher.
3. The Mountain of Solitude (Matthew 14:23)
When Jesus has got done feeding the 5,000, he sends his disciples away and goes up the mountain to be alone with God. Not only had he just performed his greatest miracle, he was also grieving the death of his cousin, John, and dealing with the anxiety of knowing that he would now be a target because of his association with him. There are times when we are tired and need to retreat to the Mountain of Solitude and recharge. When stress, grief, and anxiety overwhelm us, we need to go rest in God’s loving embrace. If you are on the Mountain of Solitude, you most need permission. Remember that even Jesus retreated from the world to refresh his soul. Remember that our Father calls us to Sabbath and that the Son offers rest for the weary and heavy burdened. Here on the Mountain of Solitude we come to know Jesus as our companion.
4. The Mountain of Need (Matthew15:29)
When Jesus travelled to the other side of the lake with his disciples, he found himself in Gentile territory where the people knew nothing about God. He went up a mountain and people brought him their crippled, demon possessed, and sick for him to heal. Then he fed 4,000 with a few loaves and some fish. On the Mountain of Need, Jesus meets our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. If you find yourself on the Mountain of Need, know that Jesus is here and he is waiting for you to draw near to him and receive his healing. It is on the Mountain of Need that we learn to trust and depend on God. Here on the Mountain of Need we encounter Jesus as provider.
5. The Mountain of Experience (Matthew 17:1)
When Jesus reveals his true identity to Peter, James, and John, he does it with flair. He takes them up on top of a mountain and he is transfigured before their eyes. On the Mountain of Experience, we see God so clearly and know that he is real. We can come to this mountain through an intense time of worship, a miraculous event in our lives, or a moment of personal spiritual discovery. Like Peter, we may be tempted to build a shelter and stay but we cannot remain on this mountain forever. If you are on the Mountain of Experience, cherish every moment so that your faith will carry you through times of uncertainty. It is on the Mountain of Experience that we encounter Jesus as the risen Son of God!
6. The Mountain of Suffering (Matthew 24:3)
The last week of Jesus’ life, he takes his disciples up the Mount of Olives to teach him about how he must suffer. He also warns them about the suffering they will encounter. The Mountain of Suffering can come upon us quickly. For the disciples, it was the day after they entered the city in triumph. If you find yourself on the Mountain of Suffering, know that Jesus too has been on this Mountain. Jesus suffered and bled because of the cruelty of others. He too asked God to remove his suffering but was denied. He too questioned where God was in the midst of it all. But he also triumphed over suffering so that we can with him. It is on the Mountain of Suffering that we come to know Jesus as Savior.
7. The Mountain of Ministry (Matthew 28:16)
The last chapter of Matthew takes place on a mountain. Before Jesus ascends into heaven, he instructs his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything he has commanded them. There comes a time when each of us finds ourselves on the Mountain of Ministry, attending to the needs of others and letting them know that they are loved in Jesus’ name. If you are on this mountain, remember that you go in Jesus authority and that he promises to be with us. It is on the Mountain of Ministry that we encounter Jesus as Lord.
I wonder which Mountain you find yourself on today? Are you suffering or enjoying blessings? Are you having your needs met of meeting the needs of others? Are you experiencing temptation or an indescribable experience of faith? Or are you just worn out and needing a place to rest?
The Good News is whichever mountain you find yourself on, Jesus has already been there and he is waiting for us. Beginning tomorrow we will encounter Jesus' words for us on the top of the mountain. My prayer is that these life changing and life giving words meet you where you are in your journey and give you the strength to climb every mountain and the faith to endure every valley.
Father, We come to you as weary travelers. We thank you that you are a God who has been on the journey of life before and that you journey with us and ahead of us. Watch us. Guide our steps. So that at last we will reach our destination in you. Amen.