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Wednesday: Shaken... Not Stirred!

Writer: Pastor DannyPastor Danny

Matthew 26:6-16

While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table.

When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. “Why this waste?” they asked. “This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.”

Aware of this, Jesus said to them, “Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me. When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. Truly I tell you, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver. From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over.

The days of Holy Week have traditional names that are pretty well known. It begins with Palm Sunday. That one's easy enough to figure out. It commemorates the day Jesus entered Jerusalem in a parade of palms. Tomorrow, we will celebrate Maundy Thursday. So called because Jesus issued his mandatum novum (new command) to "love one another" at the last supper. Then comes the big three: Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday... known together as the tridium because they mark the three days in which Jesus was crucified, buried, and resurrected. Lesser known is today. The Wednesday of Holy Week is traditionally called: "Spy Wednesday."

In the old days Spy Wednesday was observed with a special service in which all the candles in the Church were snuffed out one by one. Since we can't do that, I would suggest a fitting way for us all to celebrate Spy Wednesday at home would be to have a James Bond movie marathon. I'm not sure what the liturgical and theological significance of this would be but we could all agree it would be a good time!

So why is today called 'Spy Wednesday'? Because today is the day when Judas snuck off, undercover, to offer Jesus over to the Sanhedrin. It's not the fun kind of spy: the tuxedo clad secret agent with a laser wrist watch saving the world... No, this is the ordinary spy... the good old fashioned traitor to the cause, betraying everything he claims to love for too small a reward. There are no heroics to be celebrated today; only treachery.

The mind struggles to make sense of it. For thousands of years, people have tried to figure out Judas' motives for betraying Jesus. He must have had a good one, right? Or else why would he do it? Was he disillusioned? Maybe he expected the week in Jerusalem to end with a call to arms and an overthrowing of the oppressor and when it became clear that wasn't what Jesus was about, maybe he turned on his Master. Or perhaps he was trying to get the last battle started by forcing a confrontation... Or maybe it was greed. Maybe for Judas it was all about the 30 pieces of silver. He had his eyes on a field he wanted to buy. Or was Judas so scandalized by the woman's behavior who broke the alabaster jar at Jesus' feet that he could no longer walk with Jesus. His heart beat so much for the poor that to see that kind of waste sent him over the edge. Perhaps he was a spy from the beginning, sympathetic to Jesus' enemies, determined to undermine him. Or maybe the explanation is less psychological and more metaphysical. Maybe Satan was controlling his actions or, as some medieval legends had it, he was a descendant of Cain.

The search for an answer has continued into modern times with novels and musicals and movies, each staking out their own creative explanations for Judas' cold blooded betrayal. But the Bible provides none. We are just told that he did it. And in the end it's all that matters.

Whenever I was in trouble as a kid, I would try to justify my actions to my Dad. I would say things like, "I was really angry..." or "I didn't mean for it to happen..." or "I thought I was doing the right thing..." And Dad would always say the same thing: "That's an explanation, not an excuse." A line-- much to my embarrassment and humiliation --I find myself using with my own kids.

In the end, though, our reasons don't matter. There's not a good reason and a bad reason to betray Jesus. There is no motivation that wins us special leniency when sentencing comes around... there is only the act. Someday, each of us will have to account for our own behavior and there will be no excuses. Why doesn't matter. All that matters was that Jesus trusted you and you sold him out. You were a traitor, a double-agent, a spy for the enemy.

And all of us at one time or another are. All of us at one time or another greet our savior with a kiss while keeping one hand on our bag of silver. All of us have at one time or another sold Jesus out for far too small a price and none of our special pleading and mitigating circumstances amount to anything to change the charge. We are responsible for our actions.

These are the cold hard facts of the case. There is nothing you can do or undo to change them. They will be dealt with on Friday. Someone will be sentenced to die. That's Friday's problem. On Wednesday it's enough for us all to acknowledged that that someone ought to be us.

See, we like to make villains out to be aberrations of the norm. We like to dwell on their idiosyncratic behaviors and pretend they are so much different than us. It's easy to do.

Tomorrow night, though we are in our separate homes, we will join together at the table for communion. Jesus will offer himself to us fully without reservation. Even to Judas. Maybe that is the Good News. That though we are double agents, Jesus is not. Jesus is exactly who he says he is and will do exactly what he promises. Through a thousand betrayals, he is ever faithful. We sell our souls for far too small a price but he buys them back at the greatest cost imaginable.

Lord, Forgive us of out treachery. Have mercy on us for the times we have betrayed you. Restore our hearts so that we can begin to follow you anew. Amen.



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